Inova Health Sciences Library has 3 rooms (study pods) for Inova team members and affiliates to use as study rooms or online meeting space for Inova-related activities. Preference may be given to badged Inova Team Members during peak use hours at the librarian’s discretion. These pods are located at the front of the library beside the Circulation desk.
You may reserve a pod up to 30 days in advance.
Rooms can be reserved up to 8 hours/day Monday - Saturday.*
You may book the rooms up to 12 times each month.*
You must agree to the Terms & Conditions of use when reserving a room.
- If you have a meeting, appointment, or other pod activity that must start promptly at X time, you may wish to reserve the room up to 1/2 hour in advance of the start time to give yourself a buffer.
Misuse of these rooms or abuse of reservation system (such as, but not limited to, registering for > 8 hours/day or > 12 days/month with different email addresses) may result in access being blocked.
*Additional use of the rooms may be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact to request additional reservation times.
Your Booking